Jogging at CHI’16

Thank you everyone who participated in our Jogging at CHI SIG in San Jose, it was a wonderful day to run and talk about sports and HCI!

Mueller, F., Marshall, J.,Khot, R.A., Nylander, S., Tholander, J. Jogging at CHI. CHI 2016. SIG Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages


Our works at DIS’16

We will present the following works at DIS 2016 (ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems) in Brisbane, Australia:

Khot, R.A., Andres, J., Lai, J., Kaenel, J.v. and Mueller, F. Fantibles: Capturing Cricket Fan’s Story in 3D. DIS 2016. Long paper. 883-894

Marshall, J., Dancu, A. and Mueller, F. Interaction in Motion: Designing Truly Mobile Interaction. DIS 2016. Long paper. 215-228

Byrne, R. Designing Digital Vertigo Games. DIS 2016 Conference Companion Publication. Doctoral Consortium. 25-26

Cheklin, M., Mueller, F. and Greuter, S. Designing Mediated Nurturing Play with Dogs to Alleviate Workplace Stress. DIS 2016 Conference Companion Publication. 153-156



Our CHI’16 talks are up!

Here is David’s talk at CHI 2016:

David talks about how he used a novel augmented table tennis table to allow players with different skills to play together at CHI’16 in San Jose, USA.

Altimira, D., Mueller, F., Clarke, J., Lee, G., Billinghurst, M., Bartneck, C. Digitally Augmenting Sports: An Opportunity for Exploring and Understanding Novel Balancing Techniques. CHI 2016. Long paper. 11 pages.

Katherine Isbister and Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller at CHI 2016:

Katherine and Floyd talk about 10 movement-based game guidelines and what movement means for the future of HCI.

Isbister, K., Mueller, F. Guidelines for the Design of Movement-Based Games and Their Relevance to HCI. Human Computer Interaction 30(3-4) 2015 journal article, presented at CHI 2016.


CHI’16: Bring your jogging shoes for our Sports-HCI session!

jogging_at_chiWe are again organizing a Special Interest Group (SIG) at CHI’16 in San Jose: “Jogging at CHI”.
Like in previous years, we will be jogging around the conference venue while we discuss interactive technology and sports. We invite you to bring your running gear with you (and any jogging apps, sportswatches, your own prototype, …) and we meet on
Wednesday, 11 May, 16:30 in front of room 112
(where you can leave your bags) and jog from there. So bring your runners, either get changed at your hotel during the break before or use the toilets next to the room, we’ll leave the conference venue at approx. 16:45 for a run around the venue outside.
We have done this three times in the past and everyone involved seemed to have enjoyed this “alternative” format of a SIG while getting some exercise at CHI.
We’ll be running for approx. 30min and we have plans to accommodate those who want to jog slower/faster/further/not that long etc. All jogging levels will be catered for!
HCI is increasingly paying attention to sports, and more and more CHI attendees are aiming to maintain being physically active while attending CHI. In response, we offer a SIG on the topic of sports-HCI and conduct it in a sportive way: we will go out of the conference venue and jog around San Jose while discussing the role of HCI in relation to sports. The goal is to actively shape the future of the field of sports-HCI.

Our works at CHI 2016!

We again have a great presence at CHI 2016 in San Jose, USA, with the following works:

Altimira, D., Mueller, F., Clarke, J., Lee, G., Billinghurst, M., Bartneck, C. Digitally Augmenting Sports: An Opportunity for Exploring and Understanding Novel Balancing Techniques. CHI 2016. Long paper. 11 pages.

Isbister, K., Mueller, F. Guidelines for the Design of Movement-Based Games and Their Relevance to HCI. Human Computer Interaction 30(3-4) 2015 journal article, presented at CHI 2016.

Mueller, F., Marshall, J.,Khot, R.A., Nylander, S., Tholander, J. Jogging at CHI. CHI 2016. SIG Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages

Bernhaupt, R., Mueller, F. Game User Experience Evaluation. CHI 2016. Course. 4 pages

Mueller, F., Garner, J., Pell, S.J., Raffe, W., Tamassia, M., Zamberta, F., Sargeant, B. Towards experiencing our bodies as digital play. CHI 2016. Submission to “Move to be Moved” Workshop.

Patibanda, R., Mueller, F., Leskovsek, M., Duckworth, J. BreathSenses: Towards Understanding Breathing Games.CHI 2016. Submission to the “Pervasive Play” Workshop.

Raffe, W., Zambetta, F., Tamassia, M., Mueller, F., Lee, Xiaodong, L. Reducing Perceived Waiting Time in Theme Park Queues via Multiplayer Augmented Reality. CHI 2016. Submission to the “Pervasive Play” Workshop.

Patibanda, R., Mueller, F., Leskovsek, M., Duckworth, J. BreathSenses: Towards Understanding Breathing Games. CHI 2016. Submission to the “Touch, Taste, & Smell User Interfaces: The Future of Multisensory HCI” Workshop.



Our CHI PLAY ’15 videos

Here are the two full paper presentations at CHI PLAY ’15 in London, well done Perttu and William for presenting!

Hamalainen, P., Marshall, J., Kajastila, R., Byrne, R. and Mueller, F. Utilizing Gravity in Movement-Based Games and Play. CHI PLAY’15. ACM, 67-77. Best Paper Nomination

Raffe, W.L., Tamassia, M., Zambetta, F., Li, X., Pell, S.J. and Mueller, F. Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact. CHI PLAY’15. ACM, 295-305


CHI PLAY’15 accepted submissions

CHI PLAY’15 in London will include the following works from us, incl. a Best Paper Nomination:

Hamalainen, P., Marshall, J., Kajastila, R., Byrne, R. and Mueller, F. Utilizing Gravity in Movement-Based Games and Play. CHI PLAY’15. ACM, 67-77. Best Paper Nomination

Raffe, W.L., Tamassia, M., Zambetta, F., Li, X., Pell, S.J. and Mueller, F. Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact. CHI PLAY’15. ACM, 295-305

Byrne, R. Vertigo as a Design Resource for Bodily Play. CHI PLAY’15 Doctoral Consortium. ACM, 399-402

Alavesa, P., Schmidt, J., Fedosov, A., Byrne, R. and Mueller, F. Air Tandem: A Collaborative Bodily Game Exploring Interpersonal Synchronization. CHI PLAY’15 Work in Progress. ACM, 433-438

Andres, J., Lai, J.C. and Mueller, F. Guiding Young Players As Designers. CHI PLAY’15 Work in Progress. ACM, 445-450.


Our CHI’15 talks are online

Here are our CHI’15 talks (in temporal order):

Curmi, F., Whittle, J., Ferrario, M.A., Mueller, F. Crowdsourcing Synchronous Spectator Support: (go on, go on, you’re the best)n-1. CHI 2015

Jensen, M.M., Rasmussen, M.K., Gronbaek, K., Mueller, F. Keepin’ it Real: Challenges when Designing Sports-Training Games. CHI 2015

Mueller, F., Muirhead, M. Jogging with a quadcopter. CHI 2015

Khot, R., Lee, J., Hjort, L., Aggarwal, D., Mueller, F. TastyBeats: Designing Palatable Representations of Physical Activity. CHI 2015. BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION


PhD openings in the Exertion Games Lab at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

We, the Exertion Games Lab ( at RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, in Melbourne, Australia, are seeking exceptional PhD candidates to research the
future of human-computer interaction (HCI) in terms of digital play, we call it player-computer interaction.

The Exertion Games Lab offers candidates an
interdisciplinary design studio environment, with an excellent track record in publishing at high-quality venues such as CHI (see our publication page). The candidates will learn a variety of skills, be extremely creative as well as technical. Prior research experience (with publications) is desirable and so are hardware prototyping abilities (Arduino, etc.) and programming skills. We are looking at potential for creativity, excellence and drive.

We are interested in the following PhD topics:

* Digital Water Play: The candidate will prototype digital water
play systems and examine users’ interactions to derive an understanding of digital technology’s opportunities to facilitate novel bodily water play interactions across areas such as surfing, SCUBA diving and pools. An interest and experience with water activities, interactive technology, hardware prototyping and aquatic culture is required. This project will be undertaken with Dr. Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller & Dr. Sarah Jane Pell (

* Flying robotic play companions: The candidate will prototype interactive sports systems with flying robotic companions and study their use in order to understand what designers can learn from designing interactive systems with quadcopters to support physical exertion. These projects will utilize the lab’s Qualisys motion capture system, the Xsens capture suit and crazyflie mini quadcopters. A passion for robotics including hard- and software design for quadcopters and motion capture is desirable.

* Extreme sports: The candidate will prototype extreme sports systems and study their use in order to understand what designers can learn from extreme sports activities when it comes to designing interactive systems. An interest and experience with extreme sports, and hardware prototyping is desirable.

Entry requirements:
You will need to have a three-year Bachelor and a Master’s degree. Typical backgrounds are human-computer interaction, game design, interaction design,computer science, industrial design, electrical engineering, human movement, sports science, performing and media arts but we are curious to hear what you can contribute. All nationalities are encouraged to apply. The PhDs in the Exertion Games Lab take 3 years. All applicants will need to apply for and be accepted to the PhD program in Media and Communication at RMIT University, see All positions are supervised by Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller (Digital Water Play together with Sarah Jane Pell) and will conclude with a thesis. Scholarships are available according to the Australian Postgraduate Award rate of approx. AUD 25,000 per year and the

Exertion Games Lab also provides all students with a Macbook Air with 2×27” displays. The Exertion Games Lab also hosts weekly presentation, writing and reading group activities to support the candidate. We are also offering space to research and design in an open plan lab environment in the Design Hub, Australia’s newest interdisciplinary design research centre at RMIT University.

Deadline 1 May 2015.

First, applicants will apply with an expression of interest to the email below. The candidate will then need to apply to the RMIT University admissions office also by 1 May 2015. This two-step process ensures that we are able to endorse your application.

The Exertion Games Lab is a new lab that researches the future of gaming and play in order to understand how to design better interactive experiences. Our research is focused on the merging of play, technology and the active human body, drawing from research streams such as interaction design, human-computer interaction and computer games research.

The culture in the Exertion Games Lab is one of interdisciplinary work. At the Exertion Games Lab, we do not just philosophize and write about the future, we actively invent it. We emphasize the development of working prototypes in order to fully understand what play is, why we play, and how we will play in the future. We do this because we believe playing and gaming is a fundamental part of what makes us humans who we are, and an understanding of this brings us closer to our vision of a better world filled with interactive technologies that support human values.

Please submit your application (CV, research interest corresponding to topics above (best in the form of a paper incl. references), transcript of latest academic results and portfolio URL) by email to Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller (exertiongameslab at with subject line “APPLICATION”.

We are also at CHI’15 in Seoul if you want to talk to us.

The Exertion Games Lab

* We should also mention that you will be doing your PhD right in the heart of the world’s most livable city, Melbourne:

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