Outdoor and Out of Your Mind!? Embodied Interaction in Sports
CHI 2021 Workshop
This workshop focuses on how the paradigms of Embodied Interaction can be utilized to enhance the experiences of outdoor sports beyond performance. How do we enhance the bodily experiences of sport, supporting experiences like adventure, escapism and flow, without distracting from the activity?
Topics will cover embodied interaction, sensory augmentation, augmented experience, and motor learning in outdoor sports.
In this two day hands-on workshop participants will shortly share their position papers to create a visual map to address niches for future research. In groups we will ideate and conceptualize interactive systems, addressing a particular outdoor sport. The goal of the workshop is to establish a community for HCI in outdoor sports. Researchers will be invited to contribute to a special issue. Results of the workshop will be published on the website.
To apply to the workshop, submit your position using the Google form. You should address 3 good and 3 bad examples of Embodied Interaction in Sports – arguing the choice of the examples (max 1 good example created by the author).
Submission deadline is February 21, 2021. Responses will be reviewed by the workshop organizers, and selected for inclusion based on quality, novelty, and potential to engender discussion, while aiming for a balance of different perspectives. Accepted authors will be notified by February 28, 2021 and the list of participants will be posted on the website https://sports-hci.com. The workshop will happen online on May 7th and 8th. All participants must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.
More information: https://sports-hci.com/
Vincent van Rheden, Center for HCI, University of Salzburg, Austria
Thomas Grah, Center for HCI, University of Salzburg, Austria
Rakesh Patibanda, Exertion Games Lab, Monash University, Australia
Abby Wanyu Liu, STMS IRCAM-CNRS-Sorbonne Université, France
Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Center for HCI, University of Salzburg, Austria
Florian Daiber, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbruck, Germany
Elise van den Hoven, University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, Exertion Games Lab, Monash University, Australia