Our Edipulse work on combining chocolate 3D printing with quantified self thinking to facilitate playful body-focused experiences has been picked up by the press as a result of Rohit’s presentation at CHI:
Our Edipulse work on combining chocolate 3D printing with quantified self thinking to facilitate playful body-focused experiences has been picked up by the press as a result of Rohit’s presentation at CHI:
Our talks at CHI’17 in Denver, CO, USA are now available online:
Khot, R., Aggarwal, D., Pennings, R., Hjorth, L. & Mueller, F. EdiPulse: Investigating a Playful Approach to Self-monitoring through 3D printed Chocolate Treats. CHI 2017. Long Paper. 15 pages.
Arnold, P. You Better Eat to Survive! Exploring Edible Interactions in a Virtual Reality Game. CHI 2017. Student Game Competition. 4 pages. WINNER
Mueller, F., Young, D. Five Lenses for Designing Exertion Experiences. CHI 2017. Long paper. 15 pages
Mueller, F., Khot, R.A., Gerling, K. and Mandryk, R. Exertion Games. Foundations and Trends Human–Computer Interaction 10, 1 (2017), 1-86. (presented at special Foundations and Trends session at CHI’17)
Peter Arnold won the CHI Student Game Competition, category “Innovative Interface”, at CHI’17 in Denver, CO, USA! He was already a finalist, and presented his game over two days to a set of 6 international judges and thousands of conference attendees.
Acceptance rate for the competition was 39%. Congratulations Peter!
This work explores edible interactions in a Virtual Reality game, highlighting how replacing sensory input in VR offers unique playful social experiences through the other senses. Results from this work can facilitate novel playful digital eating experiences and inform the teaching of what it means to eat well.
Thank you to Alex Joseski for the video work.
If you are packing for CHI, here is your chance to bring your running shoes for another “Jogging at CHI” event!
(where you can leave your bags) and jog from there. So bring your runners, either get changed at your hotel during the break before or use the toilets next to the room, we’ll leave shortly after for a run around the venue outside. We have done this four times in the past and everyone involved seemed to have enjoyed this “alternative” format of talking HCI and sports while getting some exercise at CHI.
We’ll be running for approx. 30min and we have plans to accommodate those who want to jog slower/faster/further/not that long etc. All jogging levels will be catered for! The goal is to actively shape the future of the field of sports-HCI.
Unfortunately, this year our request to make it a SIG and therefore official part of the program was rejected due to it “creating an insurance liability for ACM”. Therefore we point out that this is not an official CHI event and hope that you enjoy it regardless of ACM endorsement.
We will show the following works at CHI’17 in Denver, CO, USA:
Khot, R., Aggarwal, D., Pennings, R., Hjorth, L. & Mueller, F. EdiPulse: Investigating a Playful Approach to Self-monitoring through 3D printed Chocolate Treats. CHI 2017. Long Paper. 15 pages.
Mueller, F., Young, D. Five Lenses for Designing Exertion Experiences. CHI 2017. Long paper. 15 pages
Dolejšová, M., Kera, D., Storni, C., Khot, R.A., Clement, I.J., Kishor, P. & Pavelka, I. (2017). Digital Health and Self-experimentation. CHI 2017. Workshop (organizing). Workshop page. 8 pages.
Höök, K., Hummels, C., Isbister, K., Lim, Y., Jonsson, M., Marti, P., Márquez Segura, E., Mueller, F., Petersen, M., Sanches, P., Schiphorst, T., Ståhl, A., Svanæs, D., Trotto, A. Soma-Based Design Theory. CHI 2017. Workshop (organizing). Workshop page. 8 pages.
Khot, R., Lupton, D., Dolejšová, M., Mueller, F. The Future of Food In the Digital Realm. CHI 2017. Special Interest Group (SIG). 4 pages.
Arnold, P. You Better Eat to Survive! Exploring Edible Interactions in a Virtual Reality Game. CHI 2017. Student Game Competition. 4 pages.
Mueller, F., Khot, R.A., Gerling, K. and Mandryk, R. Exertion Games. Foundations and Trends Human–Computer Interaction 10, 1 (2017), 1-86. (presented at special Foundations and Trends session at CHI’17)
(unofficial:) Mueller, F., Khot, R., Marshall, J., Tholander, J., Nylander, S. Jogging at CHI. CHI 2017. Jogging around the conference venue, Wed 17:50, starting outside 301.
Our “Foundations and Trends in HCI” article is now online for download:
Mueller, F., Khot, R.A., Gerling, K. and Mandryk, R. Exertion Games. Foundations and Trends Human–Computer Interaction 10, 1 (2017), 1-86
Our Dagstuhl proposal was accepted, and we therefore will present a seminar from Sep 24-Sep 29 at Dagstuhl in Germany on the topic of Body-Centric Computing with Steve Benford, Kia Höök and Dag Svanaes.
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller is the starting speaker at the Power of Play Symposium at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. His talk starts at 3pm on Fri, 24th of March 2017, entitled “The Power of Bodily Play”.
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller is speaking at the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council on the topic of games and learning as part of their Learning and Development initiative on the 9 March 11.30 for 75 minutes.
This week we have Prof. Sergiu Dascalu, University of Nevada, visiting, he is a colleague of Prof. Eelke Folmer who spent his sabbatical with us not so long ago; welcome Sergiu! (Thanks Sarah for the picture!)
Peter was selected as a Finalist for the Student Game Competition at CHI’17 and will present the game against two others in his category to compete for the top prize :
We are organizing a SIG (Special-Interest-Group) at CHI’17:
We are organizing two workshops at CHI’17:
Marco’s paper presented at ECAI (European Conference on Artificial Intelligence) has been published (acceptance rate was 27%):
Tamassia, M., Zambetta, F., Raffe, W., Mueller, F., Li, X. Dynamic Choice of State Abstraction in Q-Learning. Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), IOS Press. 46–54.
We have the following full papers accepted at CHI’17:
Our special issue in IEEE Pervasive Computing is published, Albrecht Schmidt and Floyd were the editors:
Mueller, F., and Schmidt, A. 2017. Drones Ripe for Pervasive Use. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 16 (1). 21-23.