iHDI 2020: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Human-Drone Interaction

Drones are becoming ubiquitous. Current applications include logistics, construction, security, emergencies, and photography. Emerging applications like exercise, companionship, and tangible user interfaces are active research topics within the CHI community.

Knowledge from a wealth of disciplines can inform new drone applications; and communication between different disciplines (design, engineering, social sciences, humanities…) is essential. To this end, the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Human-Drone Interaction (iHDI 2020) aims to intertwine diverse perspectives, as a platform for researchers and practitioners who learn from each other.

We seek high quality contributions exploring HDI from a plethora of perspectives, including but not limited to: empirical research, engineering, design, theory, art, and opinions.

Examples for topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

– Novel HDI experiences
– Theoretical and philosophical arguments on concepts and contexts
– Transferring learnings between HDI and other HCI or extracurricular topics
– Policy and regulatory issues
– Accessible HDI
– Prototyping and development tools
– Ethnographic fieldwork with users, developers, and bystanders

The submission deadline is 11 February 2020. Authors are invited to submit position papers, up to 6 pages (including references) in the CHI Extended Abstracts format, at: easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ihdi2020
The proceedings will be stored on the open archive HAL, indexed by Google Scholar. A paper on workshop outcomes will be submitted to a relevant venue. Selected contributions will be considered for publication in a special issue of the THRI journal.At least one author must attend. Attendees must register for the workshop and at least one day of CHI 2020.

Workshop website: socialdrones.github.io/ihdi2020/

Mehmet Aydin Baytas, Qualisys and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Marcus Funk, Cerence, Germany
Sara Ljungblad, University of Gothenburg & Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Jérémie Garcia, ENAC, France
Joseph La Delfa, Exertion Games Lab, Monash University, Australia
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, Exertion Games Lab, Monash University, Australia