CHI’15: Bring your jogging shoes for our Sports-HCI session!

We are again organizing a Special Interest Group (SIG) at CHI’15 in Seoul: “Understanding Sports-HCI by Going Jogging at CHI“. In keeping with this fun theme, we will be jogging around the conference venue while we discuss interactive technology and sports. We invite you to bring your running gear with you (and any tech like jogging apps, sportswatches, your own prototype, …) and we meet on

Wednesday, 22 Apr, 16:00 in front of room 318A (where you can leave your bags) and jog from there. We have done this twice in the past and everyone involved seemed to have enjoyed this “alternative” format of a SIG while getting some exercise at CHI.

We’ll be running for approx. 30min and we have plans to accommodate those who want to jog slow/fast/further/not that long etc. All jogging levels will be catered for!

More and more technologies are emerging that aim to support sports activities, for example there are jogging apps, cycling computers and quadcopters for sportspeople to videorecord their actions. These new technologies appear to become more and more popular, yet interaction design knowledge how to support the associated exertion experiences is still limited. In order to bring practitioners and academics interested in sports-HCI together and examine the topic “in the wild”, we propose to go outside and jog around the CHI venue while using and discussing some of these new technologies. The goal is to investigate and shape the future of the field of sports-HCI.

PDF submission:
Understanding Sports-HCI by Going Jogging at CHI



4 long papers at CHI 2015 & Best Paper Honorable Mention

We will be presenting 4 long papers at CHI’15 in Seoul, Korea, including an Honorable Mention for Best Paper, marking the top 5% of all papers, congratulations Rohit and team! We will also present a Work-in-Progress, an Interactivity exhibit, and a Special Interest Group:

Khot, R., Lee, J., Hjort, L., Aggarwal, D., Mueller, F. TastyBeats: Designing Palatable Representations of Physical Activity. CHI 2015. Long paper. 10 pages. BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION

Mueller, F., Muirhead, M. Jogging with a quadcopter. CHI 2015. Long paper. 10 pages.

Jensen, M.M., Rasmussen, M.K., Gronbaek, K., Mueller, F. Keepin’ it Real: Challenges when Designing Sports-Training Games. CHI 2015. Long paper. 10 pages.

Curmi, F., Whittle, J., Ferrario, M.A., Mueller, F. Crowdsourcing Synchronous Spectator Support: (go on, go on, you’re the best)n-1. CHI 2015. Long paper. 10 pages

Khot, R., Pennings, R., and Mueller, F. EdiPulse: Supporting Physical Activity with Chocolate Printed Messages. CHI 2015. Work in Progress. 6 pages.

Khot, R., Pennings, R., and Mueller, F. EdiPulse: Turning Physical Activity Into Chocolates. CHI 2015. Interactivity. 4 pages

Mueller, F., Khot, R.A., Marshall, J., Nylander, S., Tholander, J. Understanding Sports-HCI by Going Jogging at CHI. CHI 2015. SIG Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages


Apply for our workshop on “Designing Games for the Body”

We are offering a workshop  at the 6th International UBI Summer School 2015 in Oulu, Finland, based on the excellent results from last year: Floyd and Rich are organizing a workshop on “Designing Games for the Body”:

“The annual international UBI Summer Schools provide young researchers and professionals with an opportunity to gain hands on experience and insight on selected topics on the multidisciplinary fields of ubiquitous computing and urban informatics under the tutelage of distinguished experts.”

It builds on our workshop from last year that received a perfect 5.0 score from all participants; it also resulted in 2 papers at CHI PLAY written by the students. Deadline for applications is 29 May 2015:


Rohit receives prestigious IBM PhD Fellowship

Rohit received a prestigious IBM PhD Fellowship, an outstanding achievement!

The IBM PhD Fellowship is extremely competitive, and Rohit received one out of the two in Australia. The Fellowship comes with the opportunity to conduct an internship with IBM, which Rohit already started: he is working on integrating his PhD work with the research IBM is doing while teaching them about his findings. Congratulations Rohit!


We are in the interactions magazine

There are two new articles in the interactions magazine that highlight the great work that came out of the workshop at CHI last year, congratulations Mads who did an excellent job there:

Nylander, S., Tholander, J., Mueller, F., Marshall, J. HCI and Sports. Interactions. Volume 22 Issue 2, March + April 2015. 30-31.

Jensen, M.M., Rasmussen, M.K., Mueller, F., Gronbaek, K. Designing training games for soccer. Interactions. Volume 22 Issue 2, March + April 2015. 36-39.


2 more journal articles

2 new journal articles appeared in the “Games for Health” journal, especially the first one summarizes a lot of the work coming out of the lab directly; congratulations David and Rohit for their involvement:

Mueller, F., Altimira, D. and Khot, R.A. Reflections on the Design of Exertion Games. Games for Health Journal. Liebert, 4(1), p.3-7.

Straker, L.M., Fenner, A.A., Howie, E.K., Feltz, D.L., Gray, C.M., Lu, A.S., Mueller, F., Simons, M. and Barnett, L.M. Efficient and Effective Change Principles in Active Videogames. Games for Health Journal. Liebert, 4(1), p43-52.


Publication successes

There are several great publication successes to report. They occurred at the end of last year, so the announcement comes in a batch, but nevertheless congratulations to everyone involved! Mads presented at OzCHI in Newcastle, Australia, Jayden at CHI PLAY in Toronto, Canada (with Rich also having a co-authored paper there), Rich presented at ICEC and so did Will at IE (Interactive Entertainment) in Sydney, and David from HitlabNZ presented our collaborative paper at ACE (Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology) in Funchal, Madeira. Well done everyone!

Altimira, D., Mueller, F., Lee, G., Clarke, J., Billinghurst, M. Towards Understanding Balancing in Exertion Games. ACE 2014. Long paper. 8 pages.

Goddard, W., Byrne, R. and Mueller, F. Playful Game Jams: Guidelines for Designed Outcomes. Interactive Entertainment 2014. Long paper. 10 pages.

Byrne, R., Mueller, F. 2014. Designing Digital Climbing Experiences through Understanding Rock Climbing Motivation. Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2014, Springer. Long paper. 92-99.

Finnegan, D.J., Velloso, E., Mitchell, R., Mueller, F., Byrne, R. Reindeer & Wolves: Exploring Sensory Deprivation in Multiplayer Digital Bodily Play. CHI PLAY 2014. Work-in-Progress. 411-412.

Garner, J., Wood, G., Danilovic, S., Hammer, J., Mueller, F. intangle: Exploring Interpersonal Bodily Interactions through Sharing Controllers. CHI PLAY 2014. Work-in-Progress. 413-414.

Jensen, M.M. and Mueller, F. Running with technology: Where are we heading? OzCHI 2014. Long paper. 527-530




PhD openings in the Exertion Games Lab at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

The Exertion Games Lab ( at RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, in Melbourne, Australia, is seeking exceptional PhD candidates to research the future of digital play.

The Exertion Games Lab is looking for candidates who value an
interdisciplinary design studio environment. You will be highly
motivated, willing to learn a variety of skills, extremely creative as
well as technical, and also have highly developed analytical and
communicative skills. Prior research experience (publications, etc.)
is desirable and so are hardware prototyping abilities (Arduino, etc.)
and programming skills. We are looking at potential for creativity,
excellence and drive.

We are interested in the following PhD topics:

* Digital Water Play: The candidate will prototype three digital water
play systems and examine users’ interactions to derive an
understanding of digital technology’s opportunities to facilitate
novel bodily water play interactions in surfing, SCUBA diving and
pools. An interest and experience with water activities, interactive
technology, hardware prototyping (including actuators) and aquatic
culture is required. This project will be undertaken with Dr. Florian
‘Floyd’ Mueller & Dr. Sarah Jane Pell (

* Flying robotic play companions: The candidate will prototype three
interactive sports systems with flying robotic companions and study
their use in order to understand what designers can learn from
designing interactive systems with quadcopters to support physical
exertion. These projects will utilize the lab’s Qualisys motion
capture system, the Xsens capture suit and crazyflie mini quadcopters.
A passion for robotics including hard- and software design for
quadcopters, motion capture and an understanding of sports-related
theory is required.

* Extreme sports: The candidate will prototype three interactive
extreme sports systems and study their use in order to understand what
designers can learn from extreme sports activities when it comes to
designing interactive systems. We envisage skydiving, wingsuit and
kiteboarding but will be also inspired by the candidate’s experience.
An interest and experience with extreme sports, hardware prototyping
and extreme sport culture is required.

* Sex toys: The candidate will contribute an understanding of the
potential of interactive technology to support bodily play, in
particular bodily sexual play, by designing and studying the use of
three novel prototypes to contribute towards our understanding of
bodily play. An interest and experience with bodily interaction design
and hardware prototyping is required.

Entry requirements:

You will need to have a three-year Bachelor and a Master’s degree.
Typical backgrounds are game design, interaction design,
human-computer interaction, computer science, industrial design,
electrical engineering, human movement, sports science, performing and
media arts but we are curious to hear what you can contribute. All
nationalities are encouraged to apply. The PhDs in the Exertion Games
Lab take 3 years. All applicants will need to apply for and be
accepted to the PhD program in Media and Communication at RMIT
University, see and;ID=uwpmk8bd4bkbz. Start date is 2nd of
March 2015. All positions are supervised by Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
(Digital Water Play together with Sarah Jane Pell) and will conclude
with a thesis. Scholarships are available according to the Australian
Postgraduate Award rate of approx. AUD 25,000 per year and the
Exertion Games Lab also provides a Macbook Air with 27” display. The
Exertion Games Lab also hosts weekly presentation, writing and reading
group activities to support the candidate. We are also offering space
to research and design in an open plan lab environment in the Design
Hub, Australia’s newest interdisciplinary design research centre at
RMIT University.

Expression of interest: 15 Oct 2014.

First, applicants will apply with an expression of interest by the
date above to the email below. After the internal interview with the
Exertion Games Lab, the candidate will need to apply to the general
RMIT University admissions office by 31 Oct 2014. This two-step
process ensures that we are able to endorse your application.

The Exertion Games Lab is a new lab that researches the future of
gaming and play in order to understand how to design better interactive
experiences. Our research is focused on the merging of play,
technology and the active human
body, drawing from research streams such as interaction design, human-
computer interaction and computer games research.

The culture in the Exertion Games Lab is one of interdisciplinary
work. At the Exertion Games Lab, we do not just philosophize and write
about the future, we actively invent it. We emphasize the development
of working prototypes in order to fully understand what play is, why
we play, and how we will play in the future. We do this because we
believe playing and gaming is a fundamental part of what makes us
humans who we are, and an understanding of this brings us closer to
our vision of a better world filled with interactive technologies that
support human values.

Please submit your application (CV, brief research outline
corresponding to position number (in the form of a paper incl.
references), transcript of latest academic results and portfolio URL)
by email to Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller (exertiongameslab at

Looking forward to reading your applications!

The Exertion Games Lab

* We should also mention that you will be doing your PhD right in the
heart of the world’s most livable city, Melbourne:



PhD Opening (Extreme Performance) RMIT University, School Media & Communications

RMIT University, School of Media & Communications (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (, in Melbourne, Australia is seeking an exceptional PhD candidate to research Extreme Performance.

The School of Media & Communications hopes to attract a candidate who values an interdisciplinary design studio and extreme performance environment. You will be highly motivated, willing to learn a variety of skills and own initiative, extremely creative as well as technical, and also have highly developed analytical and communicative skills. Prior research experience (publications, prototypes, films, exhibitions etc.) is desirable and technical abilities in hardware prototyping, motion capture, biometrics, communications and film media (VMX) programming skills.
We are interested in an expression of interest in the following PhD topic:
Extreme Performance (PhD by Research 2015-17): Research, design and development of software to support the prototype development of wearable performance media hardware and remote communications systems for human performance in extreme environments: spanning activities in deep sea, alpine mountaineering and in microgravity environments. Demonstrated interest and experience with human exploration, performing arts technologies, interactive technology, and hardware prototyping and building communications platforms is desirable. A passion for sea, summit or space fieldwork will also be highly regarded. The desired candidate will demonstrate that they thrive in a convergent research culture where arts, science and technology are interrelated, and mutually informing modes of exploration, knowledge and discovery. Dr. Sarah Jane Pell ( will mentor the candidate in all areas of the project, including research methods, publications and dissemination of results including interactive exhibitions. The RMIT University School of Media and Communications (SMC) incorporates the fields of art, communication, design, education, humanities, property and social sciences. SMC encourages collaborations across disciplinary boundaries, and promotes opportunities for exchange, guidance and mentoring with high caliber researchers. This project strategically and creatively contributes to the activities, values and pedagogical impact of RMIT’s goals for ‘Transforming the Future’.
Do you have exceptional creativity, research excellence, passion and drive?
Entry requirements: You will need a minimum of a 3year Bachelor Degree and Master’s Degree in an appropriate field plus evidence of practical experience and/or a portfolio of projects and/or expeditions. Example backgrounds may include interaction design, human-computer interaction, industrial design, communications, human movement, sports science, experimental arts, media and engineering but we are curious to know what you can contribute. All nationalities are encouraged to apply.
All applicants will need to apply for, and be accepted, to the PhD program in Media and Communication at RMIT University, see and
March 2015. The position will be supervised by Dr. Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller and Dr. Sarah Jane Pell and will conclude with a thesis and exhibition. Scholarships are available according to the Australian Postgraduate Award rate of approx. AUD 25,000 per year. We are also offering space to research and design in an open plan lab environment in the award-winning Design Hub, Australia’s newest interdisciplinary design research centre and the RMIT project-built VMX Room Studios.
Expression of interest: 15 Oct 2014.
First, applicants will apply with an expression of interest by the date above to the email below. After the internal interview with Dr. Sarah Jane Pell, the candidate will need to apply to the general RMIT University admissions office by 31 Oct 2014. This two-step process ensures that we are able to endorse your application. Dr. Pell is currently a member of the RMIT University Exertion Games Lab. Their research is focused on the merging of the active human body, technology and play by drawing from research streams such as interaction design, human-computer interaction and human performance. The interdisciplinary culture within the School of Media & Communications ensures that we do not just philosophise about the future, but we actively invent it, and bring it to the world.
Please submit your application (CV, brief research proposal outline (Max 3 pages), transcript of latest academic results and portfolio URL) by email to SarahJane.Pell (at
Looking forward to reading your applications!

UBISS Bodily Play Workshop

We made a video of the UBISS Workshop D on Bodily Play held by Floyd and Rich in Finland. The workshop was a great success with many new and exciting games being made, thanks to everyone involved!


DIS paper: Playful Proxemics

Floyd, Rohit, Jayden, Amani and David will present their DIS paper in Vancouver in June. The research presents strategies on how sensing capabilities – and complementary wireless distance zones – could engage players with proxemics: the interpersonal distance between players. The work offers ubicomp and game designers novel resources for digital play.

Mueller, F., Stellmach, S., Greenberg, S., Dippon, A., Boll, S., Garner, J., Khot, R., Naseem, A., Altimira, D. 2014. Proxemics Play: Understanding Proxemics for Designing Digital Play Experiences. DIS 2014. Long paper. 10 pages.

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