We are having a brainstorming meeting on Fri, 5th Aug, 3-4pm in 14.11.04 to think about a mobile exertion game that we can bring to the table for peace.facebook.com. If interested, get in contact with Floyd.
We are having a brainstorming meeting on Fri, 5th Aug, 3-4pm in 14.11.04 to think about a mobile exertion game that we can bring to the table for peace.facebook.com. If interested, get in contact with Floyd.
Interested in getting writing done? Every morning, 9-10, Mo-Fr, the Exertion Games Lab offers the Writing Club, where you are invited to join others to “just write”, whether it be an academic paper, grant application etc., motivated simply by fellow writing-sufferer’s presence and the feeling of not writing alone. Writing Club – the next best thing after Fight Club.
The Exertion Game Lab is seeking students from RMIT who are interested in designing a mobile exertion game for the peace.facebook.com initiative from the Persuasive Technology Lab initiative at Stanford. If interested, get in contact with Floyd.