
We have developed WeScream!, two sensory ice cream cones that play different sounds when eating ice cream together, adding a multisensory social layer to the ice cream experience.

WeScream! offers a digital upgrade through sound that stimulates both happiness and playfulness. The technology acts as an additional component or ‘ingredient’ to the dessert, enhancing the sensory experience and intriguing hospitality groups along the way. 

WeScream! combines human-computer interaction technology and consists of two wirelessly-connected 3-D printed ice cream cones that allow users to interact with musical sounds which are generated through the act of eating ice cream together.

During a study, we examined how participants experienced the different auditory interactions made possible by their eating habits. The system generated multiple gustosonic sounds by connecting the act of eating and listening as part of a social multisensory experience. Ultimately, we aim to contribute to a playful future of social eating experiences, supporting people in enjoying eating together.

Prior work

See also our previous ice cream work called iScream!


Wang, Y., Li, Z., Jarvis, B., La Delfa, J., Khot, R., Mueller, F. WeScream!: Toward Understanding the Design of Playful Social Gustosonic Experiences with Ice Cream. Designing Interactive Systems Conference. DIS 2020. Long paper. ACM. 1-13. Talk video. BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION.

Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Li, Z., Khot, R., Mueller, F. Towards a Framework for Designing Playful Gustosonic Experiences. CHI 2020 Late-Breaking Work. ACM.


WeScream! was covered on the radio:
ABC Radio Far North 20 July 2020 (Part A)
ABC Radio Far North 21 July 2020 (Part B)
ABC Radio Canberra 21 July 2020
ABC Radio South East NSW 21 July 2020
ABC Radio Tasmania 30 July 2020

In the Herald Sun, 22 July 2020:

Articles on the following websites:

Talk at DIS 2020


We thank everyone who has helped, especially Rohit Khot and the School of Design at RMIT University.