We again have a great presence at CHI 2016 in San Jose, USA, with the following works:
Altimira, D., Mueller, F., Clarke, J., Lee, G., Billinghurst, M., Bartneck, C. Digitally Augmenting Sports: An Opportunity for Exploring and Understanding Novel Balancing Techniques. CHI 2016. Long paper. 11 pages.
Isbister, K., Mueller, F. Guidelines for the Design of Movement-Based Games and Their Relevance to HCI. Human Computer Interaction 30(3-4) 2015 journal article, presented at CHI 2016.
Mueller, F., Marshall, J.,Khot, R.A., Nylander, S., Tholander, J. Jogging at CHI. CHI 2016. SIG Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages
Bernhaupt, R., Mueller, F. Game User Experience Evaluation. CHI 2016. Course. 4 pages
Mueller, F., Garner, J., Pell, S.J., Raffe, W., Tamassia, M., Zamberta, F., Sargeant, B. Towards experiencing our bodies as digital play. CHI 2016. Submission to “Move to be Moved” Workshop.
Patibanda, R., Mueller, F., Leskovsek, M., Duckworth, J. BreathSenses: Towards Understanding Breathing Games.CHI 2016. Submission to the “Pervasive Play” Workshop.
Raffe, W., Zambetta, F., Tamassia, M., Mueller, F., Lee, Xiaodong, L. Reducing Perceived Waiting Time in Theme Park Queues via Multiplayer Augmented Reality. CHI 2016. Submission to the “Pervasive Play” Workshop.
Patibanda, R., Mueller, F., Leskovsek, M., Duckworth, J. BreathSenses: Towards Understanding Breathing Games. CHI 2016. Submission to the “Touch, Taste, & Smell User Interfaces: The Future of Multisensory HCI” Workshop.