DIS 2024

We are presenting the following works at DIS 2024:

Patibanda, R., Overdevest, N., Nisal, S., Saini, A., Elvitigala, D., Knibbe, J., van den Hoven, E., Mueller, F. Shared Bodily Fusion: Leveraging Inter-Body Electrical Muscle Stimulation for Social Play. DIS 2024. Long paper. ACM.

van Rheden, V., Reidsma, D., Elbaek, L., Lallemand, C., Vidal, L., Matviienko, A., Elvitigala, D., Daiber, F., Zambetta, F., Mueller, F. Why Movement-Based Design!? Exploring Methods and Experiences in MBD. DIS 2024. Workshop (organizing). ACM.

He, L., Wang, H., Goodwin, S., Tag, B., Elvitigala, D. Pedalling into the Future: Towards Enhancing Cycling Experience Using Augmented Reality. DIS 2024. Work-in-progress. ACM.

Saini, A., van den Hoven, E., Mueller, F. PneuExtensio: Designing Pneumatic-based Bodily Extensions to Facilitate Embodiment across Everyday Life Experiences. DIS 2024. Doctoral Consortium. ACM.


CHI 2024

We are presenting the following works at CHI 2024 in Honolulu, Haiwai’i, USA:

Deng, J., Overdevest, N., Olivier, P., Mueller, F. From Plating to Tasting: Towards Understanding the Choreography of Computational Food. CHI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Preview video. Presentation video.

Montoya, M., Qiao, H., Sasikumar, P., Elvitigala, D., Pell, S., Nanayakkara, S., Mueller, F. Exploring an Extended Reality Floatation Tank Experience to Reduce the Fear of Being in Water. CHI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Video. Preview video. Presentation video.

Elvitigala, D., Karahanoğlu, A., Matviienko, A., Vidal, L., Postma, D., Jones, M., Montoya, M., Harrison, D., Elbæk, L., Daiber, F., Burr, L., Patibanda, R., Buono, P., Hämäläinen, P., van Delden, R., Bernhaupt, R., Ren, X., van Rheden, V., Zambetta, F., van den Hoven, E., Lallemand, C., Reidsma, D., Mueller, F. Grand Challenges in SportsHCI. CHI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Presentation video.

Mueller, F., Montoya, M., Pell, S., Oppermann, L., Blythe, M., Dietz, P., Marshall, J., Bateman, S., Smith, I., Ananthanarayan, S., Mazalek, A., Verni, A., Bakogeorge, A., Simonnet, M., Ellis, K., Semertzidis, N., Burleson, W., Quarles, J., Mann, S., Hill, C., Clashing, C., Elvitigala, D. Grand Challenges in WaterHCI. CHI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Preview video. Presentation video.

Semertzidis, N., Vranic-Peters, M., Fang, X., Patibanda, R., Saini, A., Elvitigala, D., Zambetta, F., Mueller, F. PsiNet: Toward Understanding the Design of Brain-to-Brain Interfaces for Augmenting Inter-Brain Synchrony. CHI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Video. Presentation video. BEST PAPER.

Wang., Y., O Obie, H., Li, Z., Salim, F., Grundy, J., Mueller, F. GustosonicSense: Towards understanding the design of playful gustosonic eating experiences. CHI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Presentation video.

Wang, P., Xiang, N., Rajesh, R., Loose, A., Semertzidis, N., Mueller, F. LuciEntry: A Modular Lab-Based Lucid Dreaming Induction Prototype. CHI 2024. Late-breaking work. ACM. Video. Preview video. Presentation video.

Wang, H., Deng, J., Mohan, A., Li, Y., Peng, H., He, L., Elvitigala, D., Mueller, F. pic2eat: Facilitating Social Ice-breaking through Collaborative Design of 3D Printed Appetizer. CHI 2024. Late-breaking work. ACM. Preview video. Presentation video.

Overdevest, N., Patibanda, R., Saini, A., van den Hoven, E., Mueller, F. GazeAway: Designing for Gaze Aversion Experiences. CHI 2024. Late-breaking work. ACM. Presentation video.

Wang, P., Rajesh, R., Loose, A., Xiang, N., Overdevest, N., Semertzidis, N., Mueller, F. DreamCeption: Towards Understanding the Design of Targeted Lucid Dream Mediation. CHI 2024. Videoshowcase. ACM. Video.

Wang, P., Rajesh, R., Loose, A., Xiang, N., Overdevest, N., Semertzidis, N., Mueller, F. LuciEntry: A Modular Lab-Based Lucid Dreaming Induction Prototype. CHI 2024. Videoshowcase. ACM. Video.

Wang, P., Rajesh, R., Loose, A., Xiang, N., Overdevest, N., Semertzidis, N., Mueller, F. LuciEntry HOME: An Anywhere Lucid Dreaming Induction Prototype. CHI 2024. Videoshowcase. ACM. Video.

Saini, A., Patibanda, R., Overdevest, N., van den Hoven, E., Mueller, F. PneuMa: Designing Pneumatic Bodily Extensions for Supporting Movement in Everyday Life. Videoshowcase. ACM. Video.

Matviienko, A., Boot, M., Löcken, A., Pfleging, B., Löchtefeld, M., von Sawitzky, T., Savino, G., Sturdee, M., Andres, J., Boyer, K., Brewster, S., Mueller, F. Learning from Cycling: Discovering Lessons Learned from CyclingHCI. CHI 2024. Workshop (organizing). ACM. Website.

Li, Z., Wang, Y., Andres, J., Semertzidis, N., Greuter, S., & Mueller, F. A Design Framework for Ingestible Play. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). 2023. 1-39. Presented at CHI 2024. ACM.



TEI 2024

We are presenting the following works at TEI 2024:

Saini, A., Patibanda, R., Overdevest, N., van den Hoven, E., Mueller, F. PneuMa: Designing Pneumatic Bodily Extensions for Supporting Movement in Everyday Life. TEI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Video.

Liu, S., Semertzidis, N., Lee, G., Mueller, F., Ens, B. Exploring Superpower Design Through Wi-Fi Twinge. TEI 2024. Long paper. ACM. Video.

Wittchen, D., Sabnis, N., Nachtigall, T., Mueller, F., Strohmeier, P., Elvitigala, D. Foot Augmentation 101: Design your own Augmented Experiences. TEI 2024. Workshop (organizing). ACM. Workshop website.


New journal article


Our article on “Grand challenges in human-food interaction” has now been published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies:

Mueller, F., Obrist, M., Bertran, F. A., Makam, N., Kim, S., Dawes, C., Marti, P., Mancini, M., Ceccaldi, E., Pasumarthy, N., Claire, S., Jung, K. s., Deng, J., Steimle, J., Krasteva, N., Schwalk, M., Reiterer, H., Wang, H., & Wang, Y. (2023). Grand Challenges in Human-Food Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 183 (March 2024). Elsevier.


Best Interactivity Audience Award

Rakesh won the “Best Interactivity Audience Award” at CHI PLAY 2023 in Stratford, Canada, for the work on “Auto-Paizo” games, these are bodily games you can play against yourself through electrical muscle stimulation.

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