Our CHI videos online

Our long paper presentations at CHI’19 are now online:

Li, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, W., Chen, W., Hoang, T., Greuter, S., Mueller, F. HeatCraft: Designing Playful Experiences with Ingestible Sensors via Localized Thermal Stimuli. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Video. Talk video.

Semertzidis, N., Sargeant, B., Dwyer, J., Mueller, F., Zambetta, F. Towards Understanding the Design of Positive Pre-sleep Through a Neurofeedback Artistic Experience. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Video. Talk video.

Mueller, F., Li, Z., Byrne, R., Mehta, Y., Arnold, P., Kari, T. A 2nd Person Social Perspective on Bodily Play. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Talk video.


Our work at CHI’19

We will be presenting the following works at CHI’19 in Glasgow, UK:

Li, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, W., Chen, W., Hoang, T., Greuter, S., Mueller, F. HeatCraft: Designing Playful Experiences with Ingestible Sensors via Localized Thermal Stimuli. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Video.

Semertzidis, N., Sargeant, B., Dwyer, J., Mueller, F., Zambetta, F. Towards Understanding the Design of Positive Pre-sleep Through a Neurofeedback Artistic Experience. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Video.

Mueller, F., Li, Z., Byrne, R., Mehta, Y., Arnold, P., Kari, T. A 2nd Person Social Perspective on Bodily Play. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM.

Marshall, J., Benford, S., Byrne, R., Tennent, P. Sensory Alignment in Immersive Entertainment. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM.

La Delfa, J., Wichtowski, O., Baytas, M., Khot, R., Mueller, F. Are Drones Meditative? CHI 2019. Interactivity. ACM. Video.

Wang, Y., Li, Z., Jarvis, B., Khot, R., Mueller, F. iScream!: Towards the Design of Playful Gustosonic Experiences with Ice Cream. CHI 2019. Interactivity. ACM. Video.

Khot, R., Arza, E., Kurra, H. and Wang, Y. FoBo: Towards Designing a Robotic Companion for Solo Dining. CHI 2019. Late-Breaking Work. ACM.

Andres, J., Schraefel, m.c., Tabor, A., Hekler, E. The Body as Starting Point: Applying Inside Body Knowledge for Inbodied Design. CHI 2019. Workshop (organizing). ACM.


Jogging at CHI’19

Dear CHI attendees,

If you are packing for CHI, here is your chance to bring your running
shoes for another “Jogging at CHI” event!
As in previous years, we are organizing a jog around the conference venue to discuss interactive technology and sports. We invite you to bring your running gear with you (and any jogging apps, your own prototype, …) and we meet on

Tuesday, 7 May, 17:30 after the last paper session of the day (called “Sport and Fitness”) outside room “Carron 1”

and jog from there. So bring your runners, either get changed at your hotel or use the toilets, we’ll leave swiftly for a run around the venue outside. We have done this six times in the past and everyone involved seemed to have enjoyed this “alternative” format of discussing HCI and Sports while getting some exercise at CHI.

We’ll be running for approx. 30min and we have plans to accommodate those who want to jog slower/faster/further/not that long etc. All jogging levels will be catered for! The goal is to actively shape the future of the field of sports-HCI.

Hope to see you there,
Floyd, Rohit, Joe, Jakob, Stina, Josh, Rakesh, Florian



New video of HeatCraft

We have a new video of “HeatCraft”, a novel system using ingestible sensors to facilitate playful bodily experiences via localized thermal stimuli:


Maddison Ryder on national news!

Maddison Ryder with support of Marcus Cher has invented eating plates made out of lettuce waste, so they are biodegradable!
Interview with Maddison on national TV news.



Workshop at CHI’19

Josh is co-organizing a workshop at CHI’19 in Glasgow, UK:

The Body as Starting Point:

Applying Inside Body Knowledge for Inbodied Design – Sunday, May 5 at CHI 2019, Glasgow, UK

Inbodied design is an emerging area in HCI, focusing on using knowledge of the body’s internal systems and processes to inform em-bodied and circum-bodied design. This hands-on, cross-domain workshop will enable participants to take the body as a starting point to create novel and beneficial experiences for the human body.

Imagine how we might:

use sleep to help us improve spatial navigation – tuning an internal GPS
use movement and eating to be more creative – building the gut-brain axis
use social endocrinology to help introverts & extraverts get along right away
build gut-feeling sensitivity to improve decision-making
use temperature to improve memory
Think about cycles of use to use technology to get off technology for self-health maintenance?

What would interactive systems that foster these approaches look like?

To address these kinds of questions, it really helps to know a few things about how we work under our integumentary system, as the physio-neuro-electro-chemical social systems we are.

Come to this workshop to contribute your knowledge, build new ideas and skills, and use this workshop to explore,  practice and build this new area of HCI, when we take the body as a starting point.

1 day workshop – short position papers due feb 21


We look forward to seeing you.

Josh Andres – IBM Research & Exertion Games Lab RMIT.
m.c. schraefel – WellthLab University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Aaron Tabor – HCI Lab, Institute of Biomedical Engineering. University of New Brunswick
Eric B. Hekler – CWPHS, Design Lab, QI & FMPH, University of California, San Diego


Arm-A-Dine is in the press

So many media outlets have reported on Arm-A-Dine in the last couple of days:

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