Our long paper presentations at CHI’19 are now online:
Li, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, W., Chen, W., Hoang, T., Greuter, S., Mueller, F. HeatCraft: Designing Playful Experiences with Ingestible Sensors via Localized Thermal Stimuli. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Video. Talk video.
Semertzidis, N., Sargeant, B., Dwyer, J., Mueller, F., Zambetta, F. Towards Understanding the Design of Positive Pre-sleep Through a Neurofeedback Artistic Experience. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Video. Talk video.
Mueller, F., Li, Z., Byrne, R., Mehta, Y., Arnold, P., Kari, T. A 2nd Person Social Perspective on Bodily Play. CHI 2019. Long paper. ACM. Talk video.