Awarded Good Design Award!

Betty Sargeant, Justin Dwyer and Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller won the Good Design Award in the category of digital design (interface), received at the ceremony at the Sydney Opera House!



Back from CHI’18

We presented the following at CHI’18:

Mueller, F., Byrne, R., Andres, J., Patibanda, R. Experiencing the Body as Play. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM. Talk videoBEST PAPER AWARD.

Marwecki, S., Brehm, M., Wagner, L., Cheng, L., Mueller, F., Baudisch, P. VirtualSpace – Overloading Physical Space with Multiple Virtual Reality Users. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM. Talk video.

Sargeant, B., Mueller, F. How Far Is Up? Bringing the Counterpointed Triad Technique to Digital Storybook Apps. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM. Talk video.

Mueller, F., Gibbs, M.R., Vetere, F. and Edge, D. Designing for Bodily Interplay in Social Exertion Games. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Volume 24, Issue 3, 2017, 1-41. Presented at CHI 2018. Talk video.

Li, Z., Brandmueller, F., Greuter, S. and Mueller, F. 2018. The Guts Game: Designing Playful Experiences for Ingestible Devices. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018 Videoshowcase. ACM, 1-1. Video.

Dolej, M., Khot, R., Davis, H., Ferdous, H. and Quitmeyer, A. 2018. Designing Recipes for Digital Food Futures. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018 Workshop (organizing). ACM, 1-8.


Top 1 % at CHI’18!

We received the Best Paper Award at CHI’18, making it the top 1% of all submissions!

Mueller, F., Byrne, R., Andres, J., & Patibanda, R. (2018, April). Experiencing the Body as Play. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 210). ACM.


Our publications at CHI’18

All our CHI 2018 publications are now online:

Mueller, F., Byrne, R., Andres, J., Patibanda, R. Experiencing the Body as Play. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM. BEST PAPER AWARD TOP 1%.

Marwecki, S., Brehm, M., Wagner, L., Cheng, L., Mueller, F., Baudisch, P. VirtualSpace – Overloading Physical Space with Multiple Virtual Reality Users. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM.

Sargeant, B., Mueller, F. How Far Is Up? Bringing the Counterpointed Triad Technique to Digital Storybook Apps. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM.

Mueller, F., Gibbs, M.R., Vetere, F. and Edge, D. Designing for Bodily Interplay in Social Exertion Games. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Volume 24, Issue 3, 2017, 1-41. Presented at CHI 2018.

Dolejsova, M., Khot, R., Davis, H., Ferdous, H., Quitmeyer, A. Designing Recipes for Digital Food Futures. CHI 2018. Workshop (organizing). ACM.

Li, Z., Brandmueller, F., Greuter, S., Mueller, F. The Guts Game: Designing Playful Experiences for Ingestible Devices. CHI 2018. Videoshowcase. ACM


Come jogging with us at CHI’18

Dear CHI attendees,

If you are packing for CHI, here is your chance to bring your running shoes for another “Jogging at CHI” event!

As in previous years, we are again organizing a jog around the conference venue to discuss interactive technology and sports. We invite you to bring your running gear with you (and any jogging apps, sportswatches, your own prototype, …) and we meet on

Tuesday, 24 Apr, 18:30 after the plenary outside room 517D

(where you can leave your bags) and jog from there. So bring your runners, either get changed at your hotel during the break before or use the toilets next to the room, we’ll leave shortly after for a run around the venue outside. We have done this five times in the past and everyone involved seemed to have enjoyed this “alternative” format of talking HCI and sports while getting some exercise at CHI.

We’ll be running for approx. 30min and we have plans to accommodate those who want to jog slower/faster/further/not that long etc. All jogging levels will be catered for! The goal is to actively shape the future of the field of sports-HCI.

Hope to see you there,
Floyd, Rohit, Joe, Jakob, Stina, Josh, Rakesh


PhD and Masters openings

We are seeking exceptional PhD and Masters candidates to research the future of human-computer interaction (HCI) in terms of digital play.

We are interested in the following broad topics:
* PLAYFUL HUMAN-FOOD INTERACTION: Designing the playful side of our interactions with food
* HUMAN-BODY INTEGRATION: Designing and exploring novel forms of bodily play through mini-exoskeletons
* DIGITAL WATER PLAY: Designing and exploring novel bodily interactions around water sports
* FLYING ROBOTIC PLAY: Designing and exploring interactive sports systems with flying robotic companions
* EXTREME SPORTS: Designing and exploring extreme sports
* BODY AND HCI: Your topic around the body, play and HCI

We are looking for motivated individuals with keen interests and passion towards play. If you have Bachelors or Masters education in the following: human-computer interaction, game design, interaction design, computer science, industrial design, electrical engineering, human movement, sports science, performing and media arts, that’s even a plus. Prior research experience (with publications) is desirable and so are hardware prototyping abilities (Arduino, etc.) and programming skills. We are looking at the potential for creativity, excellence, and drive.

Please get in touch with us. All applicants will need to apply for and be
accepted to the respective program in the School of Design at RMIT
University, see

1) Australian applicants: ** 4 May 2018**,
2) International applicants:   **AS SOON AS POSSIBLE **
International applicants must have an offer for a “place” by 23 April so that they are eligible for the scholarship, therefore they will need to apply for the place approx. 3 weeks earlier.

Please email your interest with CV and portfolio URL to:
exertiongameslab[at] with subject line “APPLICATION”.


Papers at CHI 2018

We will present the following at CHI 2018 in Montreal, Canada:

Mueller, F., Byrne, R., Andres, J., Patibanda, R. Experiencing the Body as Play. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM. BEST PAPER AWARD.

Marwecki, S., Brehm, M., Wagner, L., Cheng, L., Mueller, F., Baudisch, P. VirtualSpace – Overloading Physical Space with Multiple Virtual Reality Users. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM.

Sargeant, B., Mueller, F. How Far Is Up? Bringing the Counterpointed Triad Technique to Digital Storybook Apps. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018. Long paper. ACM.

Mueller, F., Gibbs, M.R., Vetere, F. and Edge, D. Designing for Bodily Interplay in Social Exertion Games. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Volume 24, Issue 3, 2017, 1-41. Presented at CHI 2018.

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