New poster for the lab

The Exertion Games Lab has a new poster! Thanks to Jonathan Marques and Tim Jeffs, who did a wonderful job. Josh, Chad and Harry already used it to display the many projects at the last conference they exhibited at.


Eberhard is leaving XGL

Eberhard Graether has finished his 3-month internship with us at the XGL and will be heading back to Austria in a few days. In the short period he was here, he became an integral part of the ‘exertion gang’ and we will miss his witty and ever-critical attitude.

To commemorate his presence in this lab, we took this group photo last Friday, in poses not uncommon to the lab:
XGL team

We wish Eberhard all the best and hope he will keep on developing exciting game concepts, exertion-based or otherwise!


RMIT Games Graduate Show 2011

Starting this Thursday, 17th November, the RMIT Games Graduate Show 2011 will feature the work of graduating students from Game Design, Digital Art and Games Graphics Programming. Held at the Exertion Games Lab the students will exhibit their year-long and single semester projects.
On display will be games spanning many platforms and genres from 2D mobile games to 3D multiplayer games. The work has been developed in a range of engines such as UDK, Unity and Torque 2D by small teams of students working in collaboration. We invite you to play and experience the future of the local games industry.
Venue: Exertion Games Lab
RMIT City Campus
Building 9, Level 1, Room 27
Bowen St, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Open Dates: 17-20 November 2011, 10am-5pm
Launch Night: 17 November 2011, 7pm
We look forward to seeing you at the show!

Tangible Play talk by Elise van den Hoven

On Thursday, 10 Nov 2011, the Exertion Games Lab proudly hosted a pizza-catered talk on Tangible Play by the brilliant Elise van den Hoven, which also marked the final day of her visit to the lab. We thank her for all the hard work she put in and all the insights she provided to each one of the projects in the lab. By having visiting researchers spending their sabbaticals in the lab, we ensure a holistic approach to research and international outlook on the current trends in the research community.


The Future of Games talk at Pause Fest

On Wednesday, 9 Nov 2011, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller from the Exertion Games Lab gave a talk at Melbourne Central as part of Pause Fest on The Future of Games, featuring several of the games coming out of the lab. Through public talks like these, we hope to engage the public into a more informed discussion about the benefits of computer games, increase appreciation of games, and inspire industry.

You can also find recordings of the talk at SoundCloud, and an interview as well.

Click on the thumbnails below for a larger image.

Photos taken by Chad Toprak


Exertion Games Lab at Pause Fest

On Wednesday, 9 Nov 2011, the Exertion Games Lab joined Pause Fest, Melbourne’s first Digital Festival, exhibiting Bubble Popper and Hanging off a Bar in Melbourne Central, one of Melbourne’s biggest and finest shopping centres in the heart of the city. By exposing our exertion games to the public we hope to gather feedback while also promoting more beneficial uses of computer games to society. We hope we have inspired viewers, given them a different perspective, and also excite them about what the future in games will hold for them.

Click on the thumbnails below for a larger image.


Exertion Games IGDA special

On Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011, the Exertion Games Lab hosted an IGDA (International Game Developers’ Association) Melbourne Exertion Games special, which packed the lab with game developers who enjoyed the dozens of games to play. Engagement like these further our aspirations to inspire industry towards a better use of digital games in modern culture. The Exertion Games Lab is proud to have housed the second year anniversary of IGDA Melbourne.

Click on the thumbnails below for a larger image.




IGDA Melbourne special at the Exertion Games Lab

The Exertion Game Lab will host an International Game Developers’ Association Melbourne (IGDAM) meetup on Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011, 6.30pm onwards, in the lab (9.1.27 at the RMIT city campus) where we will show our research space and the way we work (fail and fail often & show don’t tell) as well as our research games, for example Hanging off a Bar!

Come and drink and chat with us about the future of gaming!

(18+, if you are under 18, you need to contact us)


Playday @ NGV Studio’s Game/Play

On 29th September, 2011 the Exertion Games Lab participated in Playday which was co-hosted by Freeplay, Pop Up Playground and the Society of Coney as part of Game/Play in the National Gallery of Victoria Studio, Melbourne, Australia (#ngvstudio on Twitter).

It was a fantastic day filled with fun, physical, and playful games and activities such as Noodle Knights, Lemon Jousting, Checkpoint, Secret Agent Missions, Earpiece and many more! It was great to have people from the public join along in some of the games. In the end everyone had lots of fun and it was a great way to encourage physical participation and engagement. Thanks go out to all organisers, contributors, players and observers.

Photos taken by Chad Toprak.


Research Talk: Tangible Play + Pizza

Thursday, 10 Nov 2011, 5-6pm

Exertion Games Lab, RMIT 9.1.27 (

The Exertion Games Lab is fortunate to have Elise van den Hoven from the Netherlands visiting RMIT and talk about her design research on Tangible Interaction in Games and Play. Her talk is entitled Tangible Play and will cover the following three studies: 1- TouchMeDare (see picture below), an interactive festival installation, 2- Game balancing to help weaker players in a board game, and 3- Marbowl, a moving marble bowl.

To celebrate the occasion, we’ll provide free pizza (organized by our Italian Michele, thanks!)

Elise’s visit to Melbourne was supported by funds from the Interaction Design Group at the University of Melbourne, where she will also be talking on the 4 Nov 2011 (see below).

About Elise

Dr. Elise van den Hoven MTD received her PhD in 2004, based on design research into tangible interaction and remembering, executed at Philips Research. Since 2003 she has been assistant professor at the User-Centered Engineering group, Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Elise has been working on tangible interaction and remembering with a user-centered design research approach since 1999. In 2007 and 2008 she chaired the only dedicated conference on tangible interaction: Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, and since then she has been on its steering committee.

Elise was the university’s representative in the Dutch Music Art Design-network and the president of the university’s Women’s network. Earlier this year she became program manager of the No Switches Allowed track within the Intelligent Lighting Institute, which focuses on innovative interaction styles with light and lighting of the future.

She was a visiting scientist at the Synaesthetic Media Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, the Memoir project, University of Sheffield, UK, and currently at the Interactivation Studio, DAB, UTS. For more information, see:

Other talks  by Elise

Elise will also give the following talks:

Materializing Memories
Department of Information Systems Seminar Series
ICT Building Theatre 3, The University of Melbourne, Level 2, ICT Building, 111 Barry Street, Carlton.
11:15-12:30, Friday, 4th of November, 2011

Elise van den Hoven will talk about her design research into supporting everyday human memory through interactive systems. Her talk is entitled Materializing memories, which tries to convey the importance of the physical in combination with memory. The talk will cover three studies: 1- a digital photo browser using physical interaction (her PhD-project), 2- a study into time capsules for families, and 3- a design to facilitate communication about the past, between parents and teens.

Physical Interaction Design
IDEAS Lab, Department of Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Level 4, ICT Building, 111 Barry Street, Carlton.
3:00-4:00pm. Friday, 4th of November, 2011

In this presentation, entitled Physical Interaction Design, Elise van den Hoven will focus on her design research into tangible and embodied interaction. She will present a selection of projects, including a study into supporting children learning sound concepts through embodied interaction, a recent study into designing for the periphery of the attention and the new field of tangible gesture interaction.




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