Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller’s Jogging over a Distance appeared in the Interactions magazine‘s “Demo Hour” section. Click on the image to read.
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller’s Jogging over a Distance appeared in the Interactions magazine‘s “Demo Hour” section. Click on the image to read.
Floyd gave a great overview of the Exertion Games Lab’s vision at Pause Fest in Melbourne Central last month. Chad and Josh also play and demo the lab’s games in the video. Pause Fest was a great experience for everyone in the lab and a great opportunity for the public to see and try the demos.
Our very own Josh Platt has recently been awarded first prize for the iPad app “eMod” that was made for the Future Proofing Schools competition. The app was made in Unity in just 11 days! Congratulations!
Giselle Rosman has kindly posted up Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller’s speech from the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) Melbourne Exertion Games special on the IGDA Melbourne website. The recording was done by Joel from Mnemonic Audio, so big thanks to him!
On Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011, the Exertion Games Lab hosted an IGDA (International Game Developers’ Association) Melbourne Exertion Games special, which packed the lab with game developers who enjoyed the dozens of games to play. Engagement like these further our aspirations to inspire industry towards a better use of digital games in modern culture. The Exertion Games Lab is proud to have housed the second year anniversary of IGDA Melbourne.
Click on the thumbnails below for a larger image.
The Exertion Game Lab will host an International Game Developers’ Association Melbourne (IGDAM) meetup on Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011, 6.30pm onwards, in the lab (9.1.27 at the RMIT city campus) where we will show our research space and the way we work (fail and fail often & show don’t tell) as well as our research games, for example Hanging off a Bar!
Come and drink and chat with us about the future of gaming!
(18+, if you are under 18, you need to contact us)
We are on the Wired website, featuring our very own Eberhard “Uberhard” Graether and his Joggobot first thing!
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller’s talk at Freeplay 2011 was audio-recorded and is now online at:
http://soundcloud.com/christydena/freeplay2011-floydmueller (including the introduction by Christy Dena).
Christy Dena’s blogpost about the topic is at: http://www.christydena.com/2011/08/avoiding-crap-game-design-panel-audio/
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller will speak as part of a panel at Freeplay on “How Every Little Decision Can Bring You Closer To or Further Away from Creating Art” and chair a session on “The big and the small stage” both on 20 Aug 2011.
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller from the Exertion Games Lab was invited to jury the Demo Hour in the Interactions magazine for the current issue.