Joggobot on Channel 10 Breakfast TV, tomorrow 7.50am

Channel 10’s Breakfast TV show will be filming the Joggobot tomorrow morning, Wed 13 June, 7.50am right outside the Exertion Games Lab. The interview with Chad and Floyd will be streamed to the Sydney studio and from there broadcasted live, so tune in tomorrow morning!


Even more media coverage: DailyMail, Discovery, IEEE, PopSci, …

Joggobot received even more media coverage! Most of my day now consists of answering questions from the media.

Daily Mail UK:


IEEE Spectrum:

PopSci (Australian Popular Science): 


The Exertion Games Lab on the ABC1

The Exertion Games Lab is featured on tonight’s Catalyst program on the ABC1. Catalyst is a science program “that sees science as a dynamic force changing our world”, and will feature the Joggobot project. We are on Thursday, 24 May 8pm and Friday, 25 May 11am, Australian Eastern Standard Time (Melbourne).

  • Could your future jogging partner be a robot? Graham Phillips dons his trainers and hits the track with the help of a flying machine called Joggobot.–ABC1 website


“Press Nose to Start” Open House celebrated Exertion Games

The Exertion Games Lab’s “Press Nose to Start” event drew a large crowd to celebrate Exertion Games and gave industry and academia a chance to interact to further the field of digital play. Alan and Harry gave great speeches on the future of digital play, and the students of the Radical Games class showcased their provocative game designs that were both novel and made a contribution to our understanding of games. The lab members showed their latest game projects, and used this opportunity to gather feedback from , but also inspired industry in terms of what the future of games should be. Lastly, we celebrated our 8 publications, 4 interactive demonstrations and 1 honourable mention at CHI 2012, and upcoming media coverage in The Age and on ABC1. We thank all our friends and family for supporting us during this time of long-hours and weekends in the lab!


Press Nose to Start: Exertion Games Lab Open House


7 PM – 10 PM // Monday // 21 May 2012
RMIT, 9.1.27

On Monday, the Exertion Games Lab is hosting a special get-together Open House event to celebrate 8 publications (including a Best Paper Honorable Mention) at the CHI conference in the USA and showcase some of our latest creations. Come play a collection of strange and wonderful digital games that focus on physical play!

Featuring both exciting new projects from the lab and games from the Radical Games class as well as international award-winning installations, these games will exert you while also confuse and delight the senses. Bring your friends and ready your noses. Everyone is welcome, pizza provided.
Special thanks to Alan Chatham and Harry Lee for organizing the evening.

RMIT, Building 9, Level 1, Room 27, Bowen Lane.

Come along and play some games!


Talk: David Altimira: Tue, 22 May, 1-2pm

David Altimira from HitLab NZ is visiting the Exertion Games Lab for 1 week, and as part of this, he is giving a talk about HitLab NZ and his research there. In particular, he is interested in getting feedback on his current PhD on Exertion Games.

Tue, 22 May, 1-2pm, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT University, 9.1.27


Exertion games introduce engaging elements from traditional games to physical activity routines. They can help to encourage people into doing more physical exercise and therefore bringing the mental, health and social benefits. They have become popular due to the latest generation of gaming consoles which support more natural input. However, there are few theoretical frameworks or models for designing “good” exertion games. The goal of this PhD research is develop theoretical guidelines that can be used to easily develop effective exertion games. These guidelines will be developed by exploring the interrelationships between game and user experience within the context of sports focusing on (i) balancing play between people with/without disabilities in order to make the play more engaging and (ii) social play minimizing the negative effects associated with crowding, social pressure and shyness. Several prototype games will be designed based on these guidelines and user studies conducted to valid the model.


David is a doctoral candidate at HIT Lab NZ and and his research interests are exertion interfaces, in particular exergames, full body interaction, gaming in general and computer vision. David studied Computer Science at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona where he also completed a master of Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media. In 2010 he went to Chicago to do some research in the Learning Technologies Group within the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Electronic Visualization Laboratories and in 2011 he did an internship at the HIT Lab NZ, where he started working with Kinect. In his spare time David enjoys doing any kind of sport such as basketball, tennis, running, swimming or biking and he likes to be in contact with the nature and do some hiking.



CHI 2012: a big success for the Exertion Games Lab

Chad, Eberhard, Danielle and Floyd are back from CHI 2012 in Austin, Texas, the largest and premier conference in human-computer interaction. It was a big success for the Exertion Games Lab, with Chad exhibiting Hanging off a Bar, Danielle Light Arrays and hipDisk, and Eberhard Joggobot. Overall, we presented 8 publications from members of the lab. Chad was also offered a PhD place and a job with Microsoft, and Chad and Eberhard also won a game prize. We also held an Exertion Games Lab networking event, Danielle gave a great alt.chi talk, Danielle and Floyd were asked to co-chair Interactivity again next year and we received a Best Paper Honourable Mention for “Balancing Exertion Experiences“. Lastly, we presented our games work in a workshop on Future Game User Research, and promoted the lab to a lot of very smart and interesting people.

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