15 submissions accepted for CHI 2013

15 submissions from the Exertion Games Lab have been accepted for CHI 2013 to be held in Paris, France. David’s work from HitLab NZ that he did in collaboration with us also got accepted, so that makes it 16 submissions overall. This means we go over there with a big group, showing many of our games, and planning on having a big impact on the international research community about the work we are doing in the lab! Congrats to everyone!

All references, PDFs and research videos on our publications page.


Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller on ABC Radio

Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller will be on the ABC Radio News show tonight, talking not about games for a change, but about how to design for users’ desires within the context of human-computer interaction in response to the latest debate on the CFA FireReady mobile app.


Rohit’s PhD research to be presented at CHI’s Student Research Competition

Rohit’s PhD research has been accepted (acceptance rate 37%) to be presented at the Student Research Competition at CHI 2013 in Paris, France. He receives a travel grant and the chance to present his research on using 3D printers to make physical activity more engaging through personalised souvenirs. Being a finalist means he gets the chance to win prize money as well as entry into the ACM competition. Congrats Rohit!


4 new publications from the Exertion Games Lab

We just had 4 more publications accepted, congrats everyone involved! PDFs at the links below, some even come with a video:




“Playmakers” film screening with Ivo Gormley: Wed, 21st, 4.30pm

On Wed, 21st Nov, 4.30-5.30pm we will show:

“Playmakers” a film about Pervasive Games by Ivo Gormley (UK), who is visiting us and will be available for questions:

‘Playmakers’ – free film screening at RMIT
Design Hub, Bldg. 100, Cnr. Victoria and Swanston Sts, RMIT, 4th Floor
This is a free public screening of this 30min documentary about new forms of play in public space.About the film:
Playmakers is a groundbreaking documentary the about the emerging phenomenon of Pervasive games. Over the last 50 years play has become an increasingly private activity. Now it is bursting back onto our streets.

The film features those at the forefront of the pervasive games movement, it includes games designers such as Blast Theory’s Matt Adams, Atari’s Paulina Bozek and Claire Reddington from the Pervasive Media Studio alongside technology heavyweights such as Howard Rheingold and anthropologist Mike Wesch.

Existing on the boundaries of art, games design, theatre and technology pervasive games take many forms – creep through the streets at night tracking down your enemies, hide stashes of treasure, report on the shoddy practices of rival news teams or collapse with laughter with a surrealist version of trivial pursuit. The film explores the implications of reclaiming play into the public domain and shows the possibilities offered by new technologies.


Channel 10 filming again!

Channel 10 were in the Exertion Games Lab again, having just visited last week and filming our interactive skateboarding rig, this time they shot the LumaHelm, our illuminated helmet. The results were great shots around the Design Hub, including Chad riding his bike safely as he used the LumaHelm to indicate. The picture shows Sebastiaan explaining the technology.


Filming our interactive skateboarding with Channel 10

Today, Channel 10 was visiting again, this time to shoot our latest project, Sebastiaan’s interactive skateboarding obstacle system called “Copy, Paste, Skate“. It offers visual, audio, and haptic feedback to extend and re-live the skateboarding experience of succeeding at a trick. This research helps us understand how interactive technology can support a sense of achievement, called Fiero in games.


3-year PhD openings in the Exertion Games Lab

3-year PhD openings in the Exertion Games Lab at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Application deadline: 31 October 2012

The Exertion Games Lab (exertiongameslab.org) at RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) in Melbourne, Australia, is seeking exceptional PhD candidates to research the future of exertion games and play.

The Exertion Games Lab is looking for exceptional candidates who value an
interdisciplinary perspective, are highly motivated, willing to learn
a variety of skills, are extremely creative as well as technical, and also have highly developed analytical and communicative skills. Prior research experience is desirable and so are programming skills (such as in Processing, etc.) and hardware prototyping abilities (Arduino, etc.). If you do not have such skills, you should be excited about learning them. In essence, we are looking at potential for creativity, excellence and drive in relation to Exertion Games.

There are three PhD positions available right now:

  1. WEARABLE EXERTION PLAY: The PhD candidate will collaborate with an industry
    partner to research how wearable digital play devices can support people to live a
    more physically active life as part of a large-scale campaign. The challenge here is to
    utilize the partner’s knowledge about health and the data about their customers to
    improve the player’s health, while at the same time ensure player’s autonomy and privacy.
  2. DESIGN OF EXERTION GAMES: The PhD candidate researches how we can
    improve the design of exertion games to enhance both engagement and physical
    health benefits.
  3. EXERTION GAMES: We also have an opening for a PhD candidate who wants to
    develop his/her own topic around the notion of play, the body and technology.
    However, this position requires a scholarship (or self-funding), which you will need to
    apply for by the same deadline. There are different options available depending on
    your circumstances, application status (e.g. domestic or international) etc., ranging
    from ticking a simple box as part of the application (for Australian nationalities), to
    completely separate applications; see www.rmit.edu.au/scholarships/research (i.e.
    International students will be mostly looking at RUIRS, and
    Australian/New Zealand citizens at APA. There is also jason.edu.au for
    more scholarships, and your home country might also offer scholarships
    to conduct PhD research overseas, for example we had great
    experiences with DAAD and Fulbright.)

Entry requirements:

You will need to have a four-year degree (Honours if you have an Australian degree) or a
three-year Bachelor and a Master’s degree. Typical backgrounds are game design,
interaction design, human-computer interaction, computer science, industrial design,
electrical engineering and arts but we are curious to hear what you can contribute. All
nationalities are encouraged to apply. The PhDs in the Exertion Games Lab take 3 years. All
applicants will need to apply for and be accepted to the PhD program in Media and
Communication at RMIT University, further details can be found at www.rmit.edu.au/mediacommunication/researchdegrees

The application deadline is 31 October 2012. Start date is early/mid 2013.

The Exertion Games Lab is a new lab that researches the future of
gaming and play in order to understand how to design better interactive
experiences, in particular games that require intense physical effort
from players. We call it the intersection between gaming and sports.
Our research is focused on the merging of play, technology and the active human
body, drawing from research streams such as interaction design, human-
computer interaction and computer games research.

The culture in the Exertion Games Lab is one of interdisciplinary
work. At the Exertion Games Lab, we do not just philosophize and write
about the future, we actively invent it. We emphasize the development
of working prototypes in order to fully understand what play is, why
we play, and how we will play in the future. We do this because we
believe playing and gaming is a fundamental part of what makes us
humans who we are, and an understanding of this brings us closer to
our vision of a better world filled with interactive technologies that
support human values.

We are offering a great open-plan lab environment in the Design Hub,
Australia’s newest interdisciplinary design research centre at RMIT University.
You will be supervised by Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, who created the lab based on his prior
experiences from MIT’s Media Lab, Media Lab Europe, Xerox Parc, Fuji Xerox, Microsoft
Research and Stanford University.

Please email your initial expression of interest ASAP to us: exertiongameslab  at rmit.edu.au

Looking forward to reading your applications!
The Exertion Games Lab

* We should also mention that you will be doing your PhD right in the
heart of the world’s most livable city, Melbourne:

* Here is what Wired said about us:

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