Our timeslots (in order) at CHI’22 for when we will present our research are (in local (New Orleans) time and Melbourne, Australia, time):
Deng, J., Olivier, P., Andres, J., Ellis, K., Wee, R., Mueller, F. Logic Bonbon: Exploring Food as Computational Artifact. CHI 2022. Long Paper. ACM. Video. Talk video.
New Orleans time: Tue, May 3, 16:15-17:30 (pm)
Melbourne time: Wed, May 4, 7:15-8:30 am
Deng, J., Altarriba, F., Yao, L., Obrist, M., Narumi, K., Yang, H., Miyatake, M., Mueller, F. Mapping FoodHCI Futures. CHI 2022. Special Interest Group (SIG). ACM.
New Orleans time: Wed, May 4, 9:00-10:15 am
Melbourne time: Thu, May 5, 0:00-1:15 am
Semertzidis, N., Fang, Z., Lopes, P., Kunze, K., Pangaro, P., Mueller, F., Maes, P. What We Talk About When We Talk About Human-Computer Integration. Panel (organizing). ACM.
New Orleans time: Wed, May 4, 14:15-15:30 (pm)
Melbourne time: Thu, May 5, 5:15-6:30 am
Dickinson, R., Semertzidis, N., Mueller, F. Machine In The Middle: Exploring Dark Patterns of Emotional Human-Computer Integration Through Media Art. CHI 2022. Case Study. ACM. Video. Talk video. HONORABLE CASE STUDY.
New Orleans time: Wed, May 4, 16:15-17:30 (pm)
Melbourne time: Thu, May 5, 7:15-8:30 am
Clashing, C., Montoya, M., Smith, I., Marshall, J., Opperman, L., Dietz, P., Blythe, M., Bateman, S., Pell, S., Ananthanarayan, S., Mueller, F. Splash! Identifying the Grand Challenges for WaterHCI. CHI 2022. Workshop (organizing). ACM.
Invite only, timing already passed onto participants