The Guts Game is a digital game that uses ingestible sensors to highlight emerging opportunities to design novel bodily experiences.
Unlike most games that are controlled via external controllers, the Guts Game uses an ingestible sensor in the form of a pill, with which the players control the game by varying their gut temperature. With the Guts Game, we show that the usage of gut temperature as a game input is feasible and demonstrate that experiencing your body as play, via an ingestible sensor, can be a mesmerizing play experience. Learn more.
Li, Z., Brandmueller, F., Greuter, S. and Mueller, F. 2018. The Guts Game: Designing Playful Experiences for Ingestible Devices. Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 2018 Videoshowcase. Finalist. ACM, 1-1. Video.
Brandmueller, F., Li, Z. Guts Game – A Game using Ingestible Sensors. CHI PLAY 2017. Student Game Competition Finalist. ACM. 625-631.
Li, Z., Brandmueller, F., Mueller, F., Greuter, S. Ingestible Games – Swallowing a Digital Sensor to Play a Game CHI PLAY 2017. Work in Progress. ACM. 511-518.