Our talks at CHI’17 in Denver, CO, USA are now available online:
Khot, R., Aggarwal, D., Pennings, R., Hjorth, L. & Mueller, F. EdiPulse: Investigating a Playful Approach to Self-monitoring through 3D printed Chocolate Treats. CHI 2017. Long Paper. 15 pages.
Arnold, P. You Better Eat to Survive! Exploring Edible Interactions in a Virtual Reality Game. CHI 2017. Student Game Competition. 4 pages. WINNER
Mueller, F., Young, D. Five Lenses for Designing Exertion Experiences. CHI 2017. Long paper. 15 pages
Mueller, F., Khot, R.A., Gerling, K. and Mandryk, R. Exertion Games. Foundations and Trends Human–Computer Interaction 10, 1 (2017), 1-86. (presented at special Foundations and Trends session at CHI’17)