We will present the following 3 publications at CHI PLAY’17 in Amsterdam next month:
Brandmueller, F., Li, Z. Guts Game – A Game using Ingestible Sensors. CHI PLAY 2017. Student Game Competition Finalist. 7 pages.
Li, Z., Brandmueller, F., Mueller, F., Greuter, S. Ingestible Games – Swallowing a Digital Sensor to Play a Game CHI PLAY 2017. Work in Progress. 8 pages.
Sargeant, B., Mueller, F., Dwyer, J., Using HTC Vive and TouchDesigner to Projection-Map Moving Objects in 3D Space: A Playful Participatory Artwork. CHI PLAY 2017. Spotlight. 11 pages.
This is in addition to the two papers we already posted:
Patibanda, R., Mueller, F., Leskovsek, M., Duckworth, J. Life Tree: Understanding the Design of Breathing Exercise Games. CHI PLAY 2017. Long paper. 13 pages.
Mueller, F., Tan, C., Byrne, R., Jones, M. 13 Game Lenses for Designing Diverse Interactive Jogging Systems. CHI PLAY 2017. Long paper. 14 pages.