Our CHI’16 talks are up!

Here is David’s talk at CHI 2016:

David talks about how he used a novel augmented table tennis table to allow players with different skills to play together at CHI’16 in San Jose, USA.

Altimira, D., Mueller, F., Clarke, J., Lee, G., Billinghurst, M., Bartneck, C. Digitally Augmenting Sports: An Opportunity for Exploring and Understanding Novel Balancing Techniques. CHI 2016. Long paper. 11 pages.

Katherine Isbister and Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller at CHI 2016:

Katherine and Floyd talk about 10 movement-based game guidelines and what movement means for the future of HCI.

Isbister, K., Mueller, F. Guidelines for the Design of Movement-Based Games and Their Relevance to HCI. Human Computer Interaction 30(3-4) 2015 journal article, presented at CHI 2016.


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